Val's Musings

Choose Your Hill to Die on

There is an interesting phrase that I only learned recently, and that is the one "your hill to die on". A military phrase which reflects the notion that you are on a hill, and this is the one you defend to the death. It's used often in a negative conotation that you will defend an argument or a position no matter the cost. I've had many arguments in my life and very few of those would I actually be prepared to die for.

A hill to die on is not only about being well defended. An impecable argument does not exists, just as absolutes do not exist either. A hill to die on has to offer more. It should be comfortable, have enough supplies to last a lifetime, and have some nice scenery. As the metaphor grows it becomes more poignant in my opinion. If you are going to take a stand for a position in an argument it should fullfill those criteria too. Equality of woman and man, common laws that apply to everyone, inherent value in diversity come to mind. Things that I'd quite literaly would die for. Choose them wisely.